Inside the project, ICS (ICS Skills Certification Body Of The Irish Computer Society) organised the eigth consultation for VET teachers from the Irish vocational education.
Aim of the Consultation
- Presentation of Quality Assurance in VET and EQAVET;
- How can OpenQAsS help?
- OpenQAsS components: Interactive Manual, EQOS Toolkit and Course with Certification.
The discussion allowed participants to clarify aspects that should be taken into further account.
- The ICS Skills partner Multiplier Event was very well received
- Attendees had not been aware of he project despite web site coverage and publication of the Country Report
- Structured QA strateogies in EQOS were appreciated, like PDCA and the the resources repository
- Lesson planning tools and the Taxonomy wee of less interest
- High level of interest in the course and certification, but information about access and funding were sought
- EQAVET was a new concept to most of the teachers, but was welcomed with interest
- There was a clear request that the course syllabus should reflect the particular requirements of the Irish Qualification and Quality Authority
- Attendees agreed to be volunteers to help to customise the course once the final OpenQAsS version was produced
- Supporting systems should not overload the teachers: avoid entering the same information several times becauase tools are not connecting between them
- Centers have to use some compulsory tools provided by authorities for specific processes (e.g. notification of student`s absence)
- Quality management activities are allocated to teachers as yet another part of their already heavy workload
- No resources for maintaining their own systems: centralized online system would be the best option
- Interest in collecting feedback from students and other stakeholders
- Self-reflection is OK, but managers are not allowed to supervise such information without a previous agreement with representation of workers