On 29th August, 2017 the project closing conference was held in Budapest, attended by VET teachers, headmasters, developers and quality specialists.

Project partners created a sustainability plan and agreed that all outcomes of the project will be freely available at least 5 years long on the project platform, the online space for the OpenQAsS community, who will use the final outcomes of the project. The core of this community has been generated by the multiplier events, meetings and by the intensive dissemination activities of the partnership.

During this phase of the project, the IQAM course has been accredited in Hungary.

The details of Outcome 7 can be found in: O7_OpenQAsS_Community.pdf. For more information read the 7th OpenQAsS newsletter.

The CEDEFOP Handbook has been implemented in different ways and for different needs:

  • Freely available on the Project’s Drupal platform – openly available and with an EQAVET oriented QA Glossary and available in four languages
  • In Moodle as part of the IQAM course – also available in four languages (EN, HU, IT, ES)
  • In Moodle, but as an example of a possible interactive, online QM – EN language only.

The IQAM course implementation is highly interactive.  It allows users to make personal lesson notes and it incorporates lesson quizzes based on the Handbook content.  These quizzes form the basis of the overall IQAM examination.  The Handbook itself forms the core theory for the IQAM course, but augmented by course notes and assessments.

The details of Outcome 6 can be found in: O6_OpenQAsS_Interactive_Quality_Manual.pdf

Read the summary of the activities and results in the 6th OpenQAsS newsletter - edited by Ken Currie (CAPDM Ltd., UK).


The development and implementation of the IQAM (Institutional Quality Assurance Manager) certificate was the Outcome 05 of OpenQAsS. The certification programme was designed to focus on real needs of Quality Managers involved in vocational education. These requirements were gathered by conducting teacher surveys in five countries, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Scotland and Spain.

The details of Outcome 5 can be found in: O5_Institutional_Quality_Manager_Course.pdf

Read the summary of the activities and results in the 5th OpenQAsS newsletter - edited by Mary Cleary (ICS, IRL).

Outcome 4 of the OpenQAsS project is the production of an open source software toolkit to support the management of QA systems in vocational schools and training providers. There are two obvious hurdles to be overcome before the Toolkit can be developed: (i) there is a need to be able to define ‘quality’ in the context of the jobs and responsibilities that teachers have, and (ii) there needs to be a specification for a toolkit that fits with practice and existing systems.

The details of Outcome 4 can be found in: O4_OpenQAsS_Toolkit_EQOS.pdf

Read the summary of the activities and results in the 4th OpenQAsS newsletter - edited by Ken Currie (CAPDM Ltd., UK).

The OpenQAsS intends to develop an open source Quality Assurance (QA) Toolkit, a generic, but extensible solution, with a common core that includes the EQAVET Reference Framework focal points and indicators. In the third working phase the consortium elaborated a coherent System Plan with detailed user and system specification. This System Plan guided the implementation of the prototype of the OpenQAsS Toolkit.

The details of Outcome 3 can be found in: O3_Open_QAsS_System_Plan_and_Prototype.pdf

Read the summary of the activities and results in the 3rd OpenQAsS newsletter - edited by Luís Fernández Sanz (from Universidad de Alcalá).

The OpenQAsS project aims to develop an open source software toolkit for supporting the management of QA systems in the vocational schools and training providers. The main goal of the second working phase was to carry out a deeper requirement analysis by involving VET teachers from the partner countries, and invite them for discussion on multiplier events. The leader of this working phase was iTStudy Hungary Ltd., who managed the technical implementation and content creation and translation as well. The Consortium elaborated an online questionnaire in four languages. We received altogether 266 samples (HU: 102, ES: 49, IE: 37, IT: 78).

The details of Outcome 2 can be found in: O2_Teachers_Requirements_against_OpenQAsS.pdf

Read the summary of the activities and results in the 2nd OpenQAsS newsletter - edited by Mária Hartyányi (from iTStudy Hungary Ltd.).

A Quality Assurance culture is spreading quickly in the European educational systems, driven partly by pressure from specific and recent national legislation. In most of the investigated countries legal frameworks concerning QA in the VET system have been released in 2012 and 2013. Vocational schools, colleges, VET and FET providers in the investigated countries operate certain type of QA practices, and in some cases there are governmental rules for them to implement QA components; these rules can be strict or more flexible (e.g. Denmark); furthermore, systematic quality controlling practices are regulated in some countries or in some educational sectors.

The details of Outcome 1 can be found in: O1_QA System in the practice of the European VET institutions.pdf

Read the summary of the activities and results in the 1st OpenQAsS newsletter  - edited by Giovanni Fulantelli (from National Research Council Institute Italy).