What are the main reasons for improving quality within VET institutions in the EU?
To address the demand for well-qualified workforces.
To be in a position to offer attractive, socially inclusive and competitive VET.
To keep up to date with technical developments.
To address Global competition.
To improve social cohesion.
Financial investments.
Fast-changing technical developments.
Increased social cohesion.
Global competition.
Attractive, socially inclusive and competitive VET.
Which element does NOT fall within the EQAVET framework?
Goal-setting and strategic planning.
Analysis of factors contributing to quality and management of change.
New strategic planning and goal-setting adapted to new developments.
Rules and regulations for implementation.
Continuous monitoring and measurement of participants.
Cedefop plays an active role as scientific advisor to the EQAVET network and participates in its steering committee and working groups.
Common quality criteria and indicative descriptors can be used at:
VET provider level.
Neither VET provider nor VET system level.
Both VET provider and VET system levels.
VET system level.
both at VET provider and VET system levels.
not at VET provider either at VET system levels.
at VET provider level.
at VET system level.
How often EQAVET recommendation does invite Member States to review the EQAVET implementation process?
every 10 years.
every 2 years.
every 4 years.