Interactive Quality Assurance Manual (IO6)


The CEDEFOP Handbook has been implemented in different ways and for different needs:

  • Freely available on the Project’s Drupal platform – openly available and with an EQAVET oriented QA Glossary and available in four languages
  • In Moodle as part of the IQAM course – also available in four languages (EN, HU, IT, ES)
  • In Moodle, but as an example of a possible interactive, online QM – EN language only.


The IQAM course implementation is highly interactive.  It allows users to make personal lesson notes and it incorporates lesson quizzes based on the Handbook content.  These quizzes form the basis of the overall IQAM examination.  The Handbook itself forms the core theory for the IQAM course, but augmented by course notes and assessments.

The details of Outcome 6 can be found in: O6_OpenQAsS_Interactive_Quality_Manual.pdf

Read the summary of the activities and results in the 6th OpenQAsS newsletter - edited by Ken Currie (CAPDM Ltd., UK).