The organiser of the third consultation is P3 AICA and the representative of CNR joins to the event. In the preparation of the programme Pl ITS and P3 AICA will collaborate. The inside evaluation will be provided by AICA. Other representative of the consortium will not take part.

Number of participants (from Italy) = 16

Inside the project, AICA (Associazione Italiana per l'lnformatica e il Calcolo automatico) organised the second consultation for teachers working in the Italian vocational education.

Aims of the Consultation

  • Reasoning on Quality, the RAV (Self-Evaluation Report), the ReQuS (the network for quality in school) and the European project OpenQAsS.

Inside the project, AICA (Associazione Italiana per l'lnformatica e il Calcolo automatico) organised the first multiplier event for teachers working in the Italian vocational education.

Aims of the Event

  • Reasoning on Quality, the RAV (Self-Evaluation Report), the ReQuS (the network for quality in school) and the European project OpenQAsS.

The hosting organisation of the second meeting was University of Alcalá, one of the oldest universities in Spain. On the first day the partners presented and discussed the work of the first project period, related to the general overview about the QA systems in the vocational schools of the participant countries.

The OpenQAsS project vision is to utilise the potential of today’s networking technology in all areas of the implementation of the EQAVET Reference Framework principles, and so make the resulting tools part of the daily practice of institutional Quality Assurance in our VET schools.

The OpenQAsS Consortium organised the Kick-Off meeting of the project in the capital of Hungary, in Budapest.
