According the logic of PDCA cycle, the implementation of a quality management system follows the steps of planning, implementation, evaluation and continuous improvement. Better to call it as "iteration" instead of "cycle", because PLAN – DO – CHECK – ACT refers not only to the quality management system as a whole but all activities of the educational institute as well.
In this module we learn that components of QMS what should be elaborated before starting its introduction. These are the basic documents like, mission, vision and quality policy. We identify the stakeholders important and/or worth to involve into the development of the system and describe the quality goals and indicators, which serve as a basis for the monitoring and evaluation.
Title: Building an Institutional Quality Assurance System
2.1 Core documents for a quality management system
2.2 Identification and description of processes
2.3 Definition of performance indicators and quality objectives
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the module of "Development of Quality Assurance System" the participant will be able to: