Level of award: IE NFQ SPA Level 8, EQF Level 6
Credit: 30 credit in the Hungarian Teacher Further Training program (1 credit = 30-40 hours)
Certificate: "Institutional Quality Assurance Manager" - certificate issued by the OpenQAsS consortium
Target Group: Teachers, two years experiences recommended
Delivery: learning outcome oriented blended learning
IQAM course provides recognized certification and qualification of Institutional Quality Assurance Manager for VET teachers who will promote colleges in planning, implementing and operating Quality Assurance System of the school. The participants become familiar with the common European reference framework for quality assurance of European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET). They will be able to plan, build and operate the institutional QMS, facilitate the staff and leadership to collaborate in the continuous improvement of the teaching-learning processes.
IQAM course enables the candidates to lead and manage all aspects of the quality assurance process of their organisation. After completing the course, the participants will be able to lead the quality team and to manage planning, building and running quality management system of the VET institute. They will be able to apply methods and tools to collect and analyse data for measuring the quality indicator as well as for monitoring, assessing and evaluating the QA processes based on the PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT quality cycle.
This module provides the knowledge, skills and competences for planning Quality Assurance of a vocational educational institute. From explaining the basic concepts and identifying the stakeholders, towards strategic planning in a collaboration with the stakeholders and the description of the main and supporting processes, it covers all the theoretical background and the practical tools as well.
Introduction of a Quality Assurance System is a great but difficult project for the organisation. What to do before starting this system? How to describe the main processes, how to prepare for monitoring and evaluation, all this topics will be covered by the module, which helps the understanding by providing examples, case studies as well.
Ready to start? After planning Quality Assurance System, describing the methods and tools, the most difficult task is operating QA, by following the rules even if it was accepted in the planning phase by all stakeholders. That is the task of the Quality Management System, the responsibility of the quality team lead by the quality manager. This module includes the knowledge to do that, the tools to apply and gives good practices in order to avoid the failures frequently occur at the beginning.
The participants will be asked to solve different tasks. The uploaded assignments will create a QM portfolio of them. The personal QM portfolios will be evaluaeted by the course leader.
Handbook for VET Providers, Supporting internal quality management and quality culture, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop[1]), Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2015 (http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/about-cedefop )
Publications on Official Journal of the European Union
Tutorials (videos, guides) for navigating in the learning environment.
Link to the course: http://oqacourse.itstudy.hu/
[1] European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) is one of the EU’s decentralised agencies. Founded (1) in 1975 and based in Greece since 1995, Cedefop supports development of European vocational education and training (VET) policies and contributes to their implementation. The agency is helping the European Commission, EU Member States and the social partners to develop the right European VET policies.