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Some European quality indicators are arranged in a chain, which are interrelated and build on one another and thus can provide information of additional value.
Which one of the following would generally NOT be included in feedback questionnaires addressed to companies offering work experience and work-based training:
Quality of classes.
The institution’s image.
Satisfaction with cooperation between the VET institution and the company.
The performance of senior management in the VET institution.
Lessons and learning material.
Which is the most important key element in data collection?
Open and honest debate addressing ‘intangible knowledge’.
Predefined quality objectives for your VET institution.
A team of quality officers and experts under the responsibility of a quality manager.
Ensuring that a suitable system for data collection and processing is available.
Which is NOT a criterion for those employed in management?
Financial knowledge.
Managerial knowledge.
Management of a department and partnerships.
Leadership capabilities.